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Christ- The Life of the Soul

Approbation fromH is Holiness ,

Pope Benedict XV


To our beloved Son Columba Marmion,O.S.B.

Abbot of Maredsous.


Beloved Son, health and the Apostolic Benediction.

Having recently perused, as far as Our occupations permitted, the two books :

” Christ, the Life of the Soul” and ” Christ in His Mysteries”, which you have kindly sent Us, We readily appreciate their praiseworthiness as being singularly conducive to excite and maintain the flame of Divine love in the soul. For although these pages do not contain the whole of the discourses you have made to your spiritual sons concerning Jesus Christ, the Exemplar and Catise of all sanctity, nevertheless these commentaries, so to speak, on the matter of your teaching, show clearly how this doctrine is capable of fostering the desire to imitate Christ and to live by Him ” Who of God is made unto us wisdom, and justice, and sanctification, and redemption”.

It was therefore a most happy inspiration to publish these works so that not only your own spiritual children but many others should be helped in the way of perfection. We are told that these works are already in the hands of many even among the laity. Therefore thanking you, We at the same time congratulate you and, as a pledge of heavenly reward, We impart to you, beloved Son, the Apostolic Benediction.

Given at Rome, near St. Peter’s, October 10th. 19109, the sixth year of Our Pontificate.



Christ the ..... wrapper (2).jpg

Size: 14/21 cm

Pages : 520

Hardcover with ribbon

weight  0.7 kg



Price USD35


Price includes postage/shipping


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