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Writer's picture: KolbepublicationsKolbepublications

Updated: Apr 30, 2021

Owing to the Blessed Virgin Mary’s humble Fiat which raised Her to the incomparable dignity of the Mother of the King of Kings, She has been honored by lovers of Her Son Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church as the Queen of Heaven, Earth and the underworld.

Numerous saints have praised and marveled at the immense dignity of Mary’s royal title as Queen. St. Bernadine of Siena stated that as soon as the Blessed Virgin Mary submitted humbly to God’s Will by Her Fiat and agreement to be “the Mother of the Eternal Word” , She merited to become the “Queen of the world and of all creatures”. Similarly, St. Athanasius echoed this sentiment when he declared that the “Mother Who begot The Son” as truly “a Queen and Sovereign”.

Yet we must bear in mind that although the most holy Mother of God is the Queen of the universe by merit of Her Divine Maternity, She is not One who is cold or unapproachable. Instead, our glorious Heavenly Queen is brimming of sweetness and mercy for us poor sinners. St. Gregory VII assured us that “the higher and more holy the Blessed Virgin Mary is”, the greater her compassion for sinners who run to Her for help and deliverance from their sins. The great Marian St. Bernard emphasized that sinners need not fear when they approach this sweet Queen of Mercy, for She is all clemency and gentleness.

Thus, we sinners can and should hail the Blessed Virgin Mary as the “Queen of Mercy” because She is ever ready to bestow compassion and maternal pity for us poor sinners when we have recourse to Her. Again, St. Bernard proclaimed that the Blessed Virgin Mary is rightfully the “Queen of Mercy” because it is She who “opens the abyss of the mercy of God to whomsover She wills”. Therefore, there is no sin, however great, that cannot be pardoned if the sinner humbly invokes the Queen of Mercy for forgiveness and protection from the wiles of the devils. Indeed, the Blessed Virgin Mary Herself declared to St. Bridget that She was (and still is) the “Queen of Heaven, joy of the just and the Mother of Mercy”.

Let us then, pray the Introit prayers of the Holy Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and “draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

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