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This small handbook is meant to be a help for priests and for all knights accepting responsibility in the Militia Immaculatæ. It is neither a course of Mariology, nor an explanation of the spirituality of the Militia Immaculatæ, nor a biography of the Founder or other eminent personalities of the M.I.
It is simply an instructional handbook: a) to provide an understanding of the importance of the M.I. and to make it understood to others (Chapter 1); b) to distinguish the M.I. from other movements / associations and to show its relationship to them (Chapter 2); c) to explain above all to the leaders what they have to do and how to do it (Chapter 3); d) to presentation the hierarchical structure in the M.I. and the responsibility of the moderators and knights with special tasks (Chapter 4); e) to provide a small appendix which will give answers to classic objections to the work of the M.I. (Chapter 5).

MI -Short Handbook for Moderators and coordinators

SKU: 120125E
$8 Regular Price
$7Sale Price
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