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Book Review

St.Maximilian Maria Kolbe

This mini-biography of Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe, lends a deeper and more personal insight to the life, apostolate and spirituality of this saint who was the founder of the Milita Immaculatae (MI) . Suffice is to say that whoever wants to fully embrace this knighthood to the Immaculate Virgin Mary would also have to take a glimpse into the very own life and motivations of the founder of this apostolate. Readers can understand the twofold goals of this Marian apostolate as intended by St Kolbe; firstly, to combat the evils of Freemasonry (in the twentieth century) and more importantly, to enable the worldwide conversion and sanctification of everyone through the Immaculata.

Hence, in order to achieve these aforementioned two goals of the Militia Immaculatae, what spirituality should we have? What was the spirituality of St Kolbe himself?

Here St Kolbe demonstrates no novel means; instead, this indomitable Saint emphasized the importance of the wearing and devotion of the Miraculous Medal of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In fact, the second condition for the MI  is “to wear the Miraculous Medal”. This is because as belonging to the MI is and should stem from inner consecration and devotion to Our Lady, the wearing of the Miraculous Medal is the external expression of MI knights’ commitment to the cause of saving souls for Mary Immaculate.

Moreover, what attracted Saint Kolbe to the Blessed Virgin Mary was the beauty of the deep mystery of Her Immaculate Conception and Mary’s significant role as Mediatrix of all Graces. All graces from God must pass through Mary’s hands to us sinners. Saint Kolbe also highlighted the importance of the Holy Rosary and its frequent recitation to save as many souls as possible for the Immaculata because if the faithful claim to love the Blessed Virgin Mary very much, they would not and should not hesitate to regularly and lovingly approach her as often as they can via the Holy Rosary. Also indispensable is the Brown Scapular of Carmel that has been designated by Heaven to save mankind, besides the Holy Rosary and the Miraculous Medal.

This book draws the logical but yet often overlooked conclusion that the MI hopes to draw souls closer to the orbit of the Motherly Heart of the Immaculata in order to attract them even closer to the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Ultimately the end of the MI is to spread the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and entrench the reign of Jesus Christ the King in each and every faithful’s hearts .

Contrary to what many critics and sceptics had to say during the inception of the MI, Saint Kolbe never intended the MI apostolate for his own self-glorification. This is evidenced by Saint Kolbe’s persistence in promoting this Marian apostolate despite encountering resistance, ridicule or simply indifference from other Catholic brethren. Rather, Saint Kolbe reinforced that the love for God and the Immaculata is and should be the raison d’etre of the activity of the MI; thus such a knighthood and Marian apostolate should be fuelled with an unlimited, selfless and sacrificial love for the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Sorrowful Immaculate Heart of Mary. 

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No of pages : 120

Weight : 250 gm

Size   : 14.21 cm

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